Friday, March 20, 2009

To God be the Glory

This week has just been insane. And tiring. And crazy. And whatever else you want to label it.

Thanks, everyone, for praying for Josh's health. He started feeling poorly last Friday,went to a clinic on Monday, felt worse than ever on Wednesday night, went to two specialists yesterday, and had a screening today with a gastrointenologist. Thanks be to God that they found everything was clean and Josh only has a bad infection. We're hoping that the antibiotics will kick in and he'll start feeling better soon. We should have an idea on Monday if he'll be in shape to fly out by Thursday. Please keep praying for him. Josh and I are incredibly relieved, but he's still hurting a good bit. Not to mention, we're REALLY ready to be in Estonia and giving updates on what's going on there!

Otherwise, let me just say that this week was pretty stretching. In trying to take care of Josh and get him where he needed to be, I realized how much self I had been storing up. It wasn't a pretty ephiphany; it's not even pretty to admit it in writing. Early on in the week, I prayed that I would start learning to die to myself and become a servant of others. God took me up on it. What I didn't understand is that death is painful, particularly when there's self involved, and it doesn't wanna go. I don't want to overspiritualize, particularly since I'm not the sick one (just to brag on him, Josh has been an awesome and positive sicko), but I do hope that I'm a step closer to that. I hope I'm closer to walking in stride with the Father. What I know for sure is that God made himself visible to us in how he worked out schedules, how He gave us peace, and how He called others to minister to us in their prayers and kindness. I'm thankful for that.


  1. Megan! I'm so sorry Josh has been sick and at such a crucial time. I am glad, though, that God used his sickness to better instruct you in servanthood. That is a lesson in which most all of us need much instruction and guidance.

    Thanks for inviting me to your blog! I am enjoying reading about your upcoming adventure and so proud of you for accepting the exciting but challenging adventure God has in store for the two of you. i just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you both and wish you the best!!

    Brittany :)

  2. Hey sister Bob and my wonderful bro in law!
    Im not really sure if this is where Im supposed to be writing you guys...but hopefully all will reach you safe and sound :)
    I was reading a book called "Limiting God" one morning and a passage in the text made me think of you both...It reminded me of a blog you posted about reminding ya'll why you went to Estonia if you ever forget. I will now type the passage :D
    "So often our churches are like quite harbors where the ships lie each one tied to his own mooring place. The sails are there, but they are stowed away below the decks. There is no driving before the wind on urgent business, taking rich cargos to needy people-just a gentle rocking to and fro at the mooring. When the tide comes in there is a gentle rising and a slight disturbance throughout the moored fleet, as they rock more noisily and with more movement. But the tide soon goes out and the boats subside to their normal level once more. As they spend their days moored side by side, all they do is gather barnacles on a hull in a wasted existence.
    Wouldn't it be thrilling if some of us would yield our hearts to Christ, and by His grace experience a growing maturity? Then, as He filled our hearts and lives, how exciting it would be to move into a sense of completeness in Him, to raise our sails, cast off the moorings, and move out into the busy seas of life on business for the Master. How satisfying it would be to have every inch of canvas aloft, to sense the filling of the wind and the quite driving of His Spirit. What a contrast to the rocking in the church mooring!"
    "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said, Here am I; send me (Is. 6:8)"

    Thank you both for letting God fill your sails and trusting Him to completely drive you. May you both always feel Him close and see the exciting adventure He has planned for you. I love you both!
