Friday, March 13, 2009

13 days and counting

Only thirteen days left to go! We don't have a whole lot of news or any really phenomenal stories to relate about a resurrecting phone or defiance of persecution, or anything like that. So, I thought I'd take the time to show you another angle of Estonia. 

I put some pictures up a few weeks ago showing the countryside and the capital city, Tallinn. Take the time to check those out; Estonia really is a beautiful place! Today, I added a video from the LonelyPlanet website that talks a little bit about the city itself. 

My hope is that you can begin developing a mental picture, and it might enable you to pray more specifically. If you will, take a minute and pray for the people and areas mentioned. Pray that, "The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them, (Isaiah 9:2)." 

Thanks, continually, for joining in with us on behalf of people that you don't know and might not ever meet (in this life). What a gathering it will be in the next, when they get to see the the faces of those who prayed so diligently for them. 

1 comment:

  1. Awsome!!! Guys we are so proud of yall and keep up the good work, hard work and God's Work most importantly.
    We loVE yall and miss yall both very much
