Friday, January 30, 2009

No turning back...

Hello there. 

Thanks again for checking up on us.  This week has been a crazy one, indeed.  We arrived in Richmond with no problems at all, AND without having to sacrifice anything but a really heavy sweater to make everything stay under the weight limits for the plane.  God was especially nice in welcoming us to Virginia.  When we woke up the next morning the snow was falling, and by breakfast everything was covered with snow and ice.  The rest of this week has been a blur of meetings and more meetings, but it's been phenomenal. 

Today, in particular, was wonderful for the whole group.  We spent three hours in reflection time, praying, praising, and essentially, taking up Jesus on His offer when He invited us to "Come follow him to a quiet place..."  It was a period of refreshment for everyone; all who were a little bit on the haggard side.  We were reminded today of why we're here, for the Glory of God the Father.  

Something resonated for me, personally, in that time too.  As I was walking over the grounds, the words, "If the Son has set us free, then we are free indeed" rang out, continually.  The more I walked, the more they sank in, "If the Son has set us free, then we are free indeed."  I couldn't help but feel liberated.  As the time was ending, I sat on a hill overlooking a frozen pond, listening to a song that many of you will remember from your hymnal, "I have decided to follow Jesus/I have decided to follow Jesus/No turning back/No turning back." 

Thanks for your prayers this week.  Josh and I have felt the answers to so many of them already.  We were placed in a wonderful dorm with many people who will be living in the same region, and even so soon, feel a great kinship with them.  If you'll continuing praying, pray that we'll be given a fresh energy for the days to come.  Pray that we'll use this time to grow and learn.  

As for me, I'll be praying that all of you will see the face of the Father today, that you'll recognize the place you're in, the very ground you're standing on is Holy because He's standing alongside. 

Grace and peace. 


Saturday, January 24, 2009

...Here we go...

Hello to all, and thanks for checking out our blog. Just a note on the obscenely long title: I've been listening to a lot of Phil Wickham, and thought, if there was any message I'd like to take to the people of Estonia, Phil's message of "Divine Romance" would be it. He says, "For You I sing I dance/Rejoice in this Divine Romance/Lift my heart and my hands to show my love." The hope of my heart, and for Josh's as well, is that those we meet would connect to the God of the universe, whom in so many ways is seeking to sweep them off of their feet and into a revolutionary love.

In this blog, we want to share our accounts of what Jesus is up to in Estonia: how He's moving and bringing people into Himself, and how He's using broken, but redeemed, people like Josh and I to do His work. I'm ridiculously excited to share with y'all. Please keep looking to see what's up. Wherever you are, you are partners in prayer, and those prayers will be invaluable. And, we'd like to pray for you too. Keep in touch.

Now, we get down to business. On Monday morning at ten, our journey will begin. We'll be flying out from Shreveport, to Houston, to Richmond so we can start eight weeks of training. Please pray that we'll be clever enough to rearrange our luggage so we stay under the weight limit. Pray that all our travel stuff goes to plan, and for all the others traveling to Richmond. There are a bunch of us coming from all over. Pray that we can make strengthening connections to the brothers and sisters we'll be living in such close proximity to for the next eight weeks. Finally, pray that God grants our families a lasting peace about our leaving. Thanks to those who've already been doing so in that regard. It's been a little hard, but I think we've actually grown closer as a result. We love you all.
